To file for divorce in Virginia, you have to file under specific “grounds.” We cover the grounds in our Free Resource, Where Do I Start With a Virginia Divorce? Under certain grounds, when you are proving that one party is at fault in the divorce, you can file immediately. This applies to situations where one spouse has been deserted by the other (abandonment/desertion) or has to leave to protect their own safety Read More
What the New Spousal Support Tax Laws Mean for You
Spousal support laws have remained static for decades - until recently. Spousal support payments, also known as alimony, are regularly paid by a higher-earning spouse to their lesser-earning partner following a divorce. The purpose of alimony is to allow spouses who earn less money to still live the lifestyle they were accustomed to during their marriage. In 2019, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts significantly altered the Read More
How is Child Custody Determined in Virginia?
At Rinehart Bryant, PLLC, we know that the most important questions to parents who are going through a divorce revolve around the well-being of their children. Most parent’s first thought is: who will the children live with? While all states have different methods of determining child custody, Virginia’s method relies on considering what is in the best interest of the child. In Virginia, contested child custody Read More